Friday, August 28, 2009

wHy nOt?

India and Venezuela has very strong alliance I guess… Indya not jus importing oil from Venezuela... but certainly something more... (na nah.. chill, i can’t let gyaan-baazi happen here :D) and that's ther beauty obsessed culture.

While we provide them pharmaceutical medicines, they provide us cosmetic surgery technology (wow.. see hw intelligent we are).

Guess where I first heard "Venezuela" in my teens? Ya rite.. in beauty pageants :), ofcourse not in geography.

Venezuelan women are very vry beauty conscious... so much so that land is actually called "surgery planet" of the Universe.
So its not improvised charm & appeal.. but well-crafted & sculpted looks which makes u stunner!!

India too is fair-skin obsessed nation... And with sudden explosion in no. of beauty salons & spas, fitness & slimming clubs, fairness cosmetic products,.. we can expect India soon becoming production house of beauty queens..

Beauty cult is now a social norm..which can define ur succes & failure in life..

But all thanks to Venezuelan art & enlightment.. we dont have to die ugly.. So gals! stop blaming your unaesthetic genealogy (I mean if you think so).... With few "touch ups" here & there.. you can achieve what not!!

I know what u wondering.. whether I have tried it???

Well..torn between fantasies of what I am and wht I can appear, I once went to cosmetic surgery clinic hoping i will come out as some goddess.. i asked surgeon wht all surgeries he can recommend me...
He bluntly said "You would probably need too many transformations; and I m afraid surgical science of today can’t handle these many fixes simultaneously on one person!!" (So now u know.. most embarrassing moment of my life :() .. may b i should have born now .. would have got more generous response in 2030!

So this was the sad demise of my desires of acquiring gorgeous looks ... wil try my luck in next birth :)

But life is still fair for u guys.. r u stil thinking?? (raise your hand who have already undergone :)) come on, go for it!!


  1. Hmmm.. Shweta madame.. Can ur highly acclaimed surgeries also add on few inches ?? Where?? u knw it.. WHERE ? ;)

  2. oh man i need surgery everywr..but thn i dont think i wl b able to live a 'surged' lyf....gng under da knyf ven my mind still cnsiders physical beauty as the sole aim in lyf is uselss...i think i wl decorate myself wd an open smyl...coz thts ven i feel nice...and atlast leme cut da crap...i wish i cud go unda the knyf n appear beautiful..0)

  3. u cud..u cud..lets book a trip to venzula together :D :D
